Berwood Road, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B72 1BS



Our Reading Aim: That every child leaves Penns as a 'Reader for Pleasure'



At Penns, we are currently using 'Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised'. This is taught daily in EYFS, Year One and Year Two (where appropriate). Phonics teaching is also used in KS2 where some pupils may require extra tuition.


What books do children take home?

Penns pupils will take home TWO reading books each week. One book will be chosen by the teacher and the other will be chosen by the child. Our younger readers will change their books every Monday whilst older children will be able to change their book as and when they complete it. Our youngest readers will begin to take books home from as early as their start in September.

How do we know that children are reading at home?  In our library we operate a computerised system whereby we are able to monitor the books that our children are reading. KS1 staff also use a programme called Seesaw which allows them to further monitor books.   An internal reading record is kept for some of our children so that we are able to closely track their reading habits and ensure progress. Furthermore, KS2 children independently use a homework/reading record book for their own use.   Staff members regularly discuss with the children about their home reading habits. Reading is of high importance at Penns and we aim to foster a love of reading by maintaining a positive reading culture. We also operate a reading community whereby parents are invited to share photos of their family reading books. Please also look out for our 'Reading Passport and Curriculum Newsletter which further supports our love of reading at Penns

What if my child requires extra support in reading? We provide a robust system of support. We aim to read with pupils who require extra support on a daily basis. Some children in KS2 will require extra phonics tuition to support their reading.  Our lunchtime supervisors as well as parent volunteers support our pupils in listening to them read. 

Can my child read online? We offer Bug Club which is the only whole-school reading programme that brilliantly combines an online reading world with fantastic print books, and assessment tools. It also supports our EAL learners and parents as the programme will read aloud to your child 

How can we improve reading?

One of the best ways to ensure reading improves is simply to do more of it, in all its forms. We plan for reading opportunities throughout the week and we aim to bring at least a little shared reading into virtually every lesson, and into many humanities sessions too. We have whole-class, guided group, 1-1 and independent reading slotted in to lessons and throughout the week. We believe that children who learn to read across the curriculum will benefit from the purposeful practice, and be better equipped to access all subjects in the next phase of their learning.

Berwood Road, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B72 1BS



Our Reading Aim: That every child leaves Penns as a 'Reader for Pleasure'



At Penns, we are currently using 'Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised'. This is taught daily in EYFS, Year One and Year Two (where appropriate). Phonics teaching is also used in KS2 where some pupils may require extra tuition.


What books do children take home?

Penns pupils will take home TWO reading books each week. One book will be chosen by the teacher and the other will be chosen by the child. Our younger readers will change their books every Monday whilst older children will be able to change their book as and when they complete it. Our youngest readers will begin to take books home from as early as their start in September.

How do we know that children are reading at home?  In our library we operate a computerised system whereby we are able to monitor the books that our children are reading. KS1 staff also use a programme called Seesaw which allows them to further monitor books.   An internal reading record is kept for some of our children so that we are able to closely track their reading habits and ensure progress. Furthermore, KS2 children independently use a homework/reading record book for their own use.   Staff members regularly discuss with the children about their home reading habits. Reading is of high importance at Penns and we aim to foster a love of reading by maintaining a positive reading culture. We also operate a reading community whereby parents are invited to share photos of their family reading books. Please also look out for our 'Reading Passport and Curriculum Newsletter which further supports our love of reading at Penns

What if my child requires extra support in reading? We provide a robust system of support. We aim to read with pupils who require extra support on a daily basis. Some children in KS2 will require extra phonics tuition to support their reading.  Our lunchtime supervisors as well as parent volunteers support our pupils in listening to them read. 

Can my child read online? We offer Bug Club which is the only whole-school reading programme that brilliantly combines an online reading world with fantastic print books, and assessment tools. It also supports our EAL learners and parents as the programme will read aloud to your child 

How can we improve reading?

One of the best ways to ensure reading improves is simply to do more of it, in all its forms. We plan for reading opportunities throughout the week and we aim to bring at least a little shared reading into virtually every lesson, and into many humanities sessions too. We have whole-class, guided group, 1-1 and independent reading slotted in to lessons and throughout the week. We believe that children who learn to read across the curriculum will benefit from the purposeful practice, and be better equipped to access all subjects in the next phase of their learning.