Why do we have Governors?
The Governing Body is responsible for the strategic day to day function of the school, as this has now been taken away from the Local Authority. This means that the needs of the school are assessed and addressed by a team working in, or closely with the school each day. School Governors are the largest volunteer force in England, and no other group carries the same level of responsibility or scrutiny.
What do they do?
Governors sign up to a Code of Conduct to ensure that they are following the expected standards of those in public office.
There are different categories of Governor, which complete a board of twelve at Penns, including the Head Teacher, a representative from the Local Authority, parents of pupils or recent pupils at school, and those with an interest in the running of the school. All Governors have to undertake a DBS (previously a CRB) check.
The areas of management covered by the Governing Body are: Finance, Staff, Pupils, Curriculum, Buildings and Communication with additional responsibilities in each area.
Penns governors have specific areas of focus within the school curriculum e.g. Numeracy, Literacy, Special Educational Needs, Pupil Premium Funding and also have particular roles within the wider running of the school.
As a small school with a limited number of Governors, it would be difficult to have a committee and separate meetings for each of these categories, so they are combined into smaller sections.
Each of our committees meet about 5 times per year and the Chairperson of each committee reports to the rest of the Governing Body. Committee meetings start at 8.00a.m lasting for about 1.5 hours. A Full Governing Body meeting will usually start at 4.30 pm and last for at least 2 hours. Other committee meetings, site visits and training sessions both in school and at external venues are attended as necessary on an individual basis, including at weekends.
Mrs Levain Preston (Chair and safeguarding Governor) Mr Tom Hulin (Co-opted), Mrs Lisa Martin (Co-opted), Mr Mohammed Amin (Co-opted), Mr Igal Nagar (Co-opted), Vacancy (Co-opted), Mrs Kate Doogan (Staff), Mrs R Sheffield (Co-opted), Mr J Broome (Parent), Mrs N Deans (Parent).
We agree to abide by the Seven Nolan Principles of Public Life:
*We are happy to share our diversity data - please contact the school office should you require this information*
Engaging with parents and carers - a guide for governing bodies
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Mrs Levain Preston
*There are no employees at Penns Primary School earning over £100 000*